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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

how to remove computer virus without antivirus

how to remove computer virus without antivirus
how to remove computer virus without antivirus

how to remove computer virus without antivirus

Each file and folder have the following

1). Archive A
2). Read Only R
3). Hidden H
4). System S

-(minus) sign before an attribute it means
removing attributes and +(plus) sign mean
giving attributes to the file or folder.

example :- attrib -r -a -s -h file.txt this will
remove all attributes from file.txt and
attrib +r +a +s +h file.txt will give all
attributes to file.txt .

If pen drive or other hard drive is infected
by virus ,Command prompt is the best
option .

Follow the steps given below.

1). Go to the command prompt by start>all
programs>accessories>command prompt
or press windows key+r and enter cmd .

2). Go to the drive where you want to
delete virus example write d: to go to D
drive .

3). Type “attrib -r -s -h *.* /s /d” without
quotations and press enter .

4)press dir /a .

5). Delete all the .inf, .exe , .dll, .log
extension file if they are not your files by
using dos del command .

Example: del autorun.inf if any file is not
deleting rename that file by rename

Example: rename dst.exe ms.bak this will
rename dst.exe to ms.bak
Now Your pen drive is virus free . var popunder = true;
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